

0 arguments

PendingIntent, 130

requestCode, 130

using with communication, 130


: (colon), using with binder services, 134


AbsoluteLayout, 6870

action bar

action views, 204

adding elements to, 204208

AppCompat library, 200203

documentation, 208

explained, 200

menu items, 204205

showing, 204

tabs, 204, 207208

view pager, 212213

action views, using, 207

ActionBar.TabListener, implementing, 207

ActionBarToggleDrawer, setting as listener, 221

ActionBarToggleDrawer arguments

Activity, 220

CloseDrawerContentDescription, 220

DrawerImageResource, 220

DrawerLayout, 220

OpenDrawerContentDescription, 220


basics, 26

creating screen layout, 2829

data retention methods, 3536

vs. fragments, 192

handling collisions,

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