
image Numbers and Special Characters

2D transformations, 334345

combining of, 343345

and matrices, 335336

rotating, 341342

scaling, 342

using translation, 336341

world space vs. model space, 334335

3D in OpenGL ES, 495531

blending, 507510

camera system for, 527530

matrices, 517530

hierarchical systems with, 520526

matrix stack, 518520

perspective projection, 502504

triangle meshes, 511517

vertices in, 496501

z-buffer, 505507, 510511

z-fighting, 510511

3D programming, 533585

cameras, 561572

Euler, 562570

look-at, 571572

collision detection and object representation in, 581584

bounding shapes in 3D programming, 581583

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