

AbsoluteLayout, 273

Action bar

custom views, 301

layout, 302, 303

sample application, 303

user input control, 304306

enabling, 299, 300

logo, tapping, 301

menu items, 300, 301

Active state, 193

Activities, 237. Seealso Android activities

built-in Android map activity, 241

Bundle, 239

geo: Intent, 242

intent, 238

LaunchDemo sample application, 241

onActivityResult() callback, 239

peers, 237238

setResult() method, 239

showMe() callback method, 240

startActivityForResult() method, 239

startActivityFromFragment() method, 239

startActivityIfNeeded() method, 239

startActivity() method, 238

String, 239

subactivities, 237238

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