15.2. Using the HTML Component

Unlike the Flex 2 TextArea component that allowed a limited subset of HTML tags, the AIR HTML component will display any compliant HTML content that runs in any modern browser. The HTML component can accept a basic HTML text string or can point to a local or external URL.

15.2.1. Basic HTML

To demonstrate how to load basic HTML, please create a new AIR project named Chapter15_HTML_Basic, which will create a new file named Chapter15_HTML_Basic.mxml. Listing 15-1 shows an example that includes a variable named htmlString that is some basic HTML code. It is set as [Bindable] and bound to the htmlText property of the HTML component. To test this, add the contents of Listing 15-1 to the Chapter15_HTML_Basic.mxml file, and then run the application. The results can be seen in Figure 15-1.

Example 15-1. An example of an HTML component with a basic HTML string
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
        private var htmlString:String = '<html>' +
            '<body>' +
            '<p align="center"><font size="2" id="f1">' +
            'This is a paragraph with font size of 2 and aligned center. +
            '</font></para>' +
            '<p><font size="5" id="f2"><i>' +
            'This is paragraph with a font size of 5 and italics.' +
            '</i></font></p>' +
            '</body>' +
            '</html>' ]]> </mx:Script> <mx:HTML id="html" htmlText="{htmlString}" width="200" height="200" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/> </mx:WindowedApplication> ...

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