
I thank the acquisitions editor, Chris Webb, and the development editor, William Bridges, for their work helping to get the book completed through a constantly changing timeline.

I give special thanks to Danny Joscher, Frank Ferrara, Joey "the Schnoz" Fiorello, and "the Boss," Mr. Fiorello from J&R Discount on Long Island, NY. I spent a great deal of time with these people over many years and learned a lot from each of them. Mr. Fiorello is actually responsible for getting me started in programming by splitting the cost of my first laptop with me. One more thing that needs to be said, especially to Frankie: Let's Go, Islanders!!

Most importantly, I thank my wife and best friend, Kim, and my daughters, Skye and Coral. Anyone who has been through the experience of writing a technical book knows how much time and effort are involved and how important the support of the people closest to you is. I love you all!

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