Chapter 14. Case Study 2: Customer Service Applicatio

This chapter is the second of two case studies that will illustrate all the concepts covered to this point using a comprehensive real-world example. With the first case study under your belts, you now build a client-server customer service application with SQL Server storing the database and Access providing the user interface and business logic. This process includes:

  • Using Access data projects with SQL Server databases

  • Creating and executing stored procedures with and without parameters

  • Creating search screens that dynamically build SQL statements from criteria entered by the user

You will create the customer service application from start to finish. For your convenience, I have included the Access project file and a text file containing the SQL stored procedures so that you can download all the source code from As in the earlier case study, I recommend that you work through the chapter yourself before using the source code I have provided.

For the sake of clarity, a "How It Works" section for the entire application is included at the end of this chapter.

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