

What Is Inner Presence?

Managing Yourself

How you experience yourself

Your inner presence can be your most valuable asset—or your deepest liability. I know that seems like a pretty bold statement—perhaps one you didn't see coming. Chances are, you're wondering what I mean by inner presence. So let's start with a simple definition:

Inner presence is the way you experience yourself.

That may sound a little spiritual, but it's actually a crucial practical skill. Inner presence determines the way you think, make decisions, lead, collaborate, and execute strategies. It directly influences your effectiveness.

Let's allow that notion to breathe for a moment. What's your first reaction? Is your inner presence an asset or a liability?

It's probably both. Why? Because, like so many things in life, the answer depends on the situation.

Your inner presence is a moving target.

Your inner presence is a moving target from one moment to the next, since you experience yourself differently under different conditions. One day you beat projections for the quarter and your head swells with pride; another day, you lose a major client, and your confidence plummets.

Inner presence is what's happening inside your mind and heart as the world comes at you, judging you, testing you—even bringing opportunities your way.

Your inner presence is a means to an end. And a centered inner presence is vital if you ...

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