WebLogic Query Language

EJB Query Language (EJB-QL) is a query language that defines finder methods for 2.0 Entity beans with container-managed persistence. The deployment descriptors must define each finder query for Entity beans by using an EJB-QL query string.


If you're interested in learning EJB-QL in detail, please visit http://www.ejb-ql.com.

In WebLogic, you can use the WebLogic QL to query EJB objects instead of the standard EJB-QL that's defined in the ejb-jar.xml file. WebLogic QL is defined in the weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml file. The values for the finder queries in the WebLogic-specific deployment descriptors override the values specified in the standard J2EE deployment descriptors.

The main advantage of using the WebLogic QL ...

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