
We have been influenced and inspired by so many wonderful people. Some are obvious; some less so. Many won't even be aware of the impact they've had.

If your name appears on this list, you've played a part in helping us write this book. We are truly grateful …

Andy Cope would like to thank Darrell Woodman, Simon Sinek, Shawn Achor, David Hyner, Richard Gerver, the Capstone team, David ‘Naked Leader’ Taylor, Paul ‘SUMO’ McGee, Sir John Jones, Nigel Marsh, Bob the Builder, Kav Vaseer, Kev House, Seth Godin, Jack Pransky, Dr Robert Holden, Philip Ardagh, Dan Rockwell, Jonathan Haidt, the lads from 1976 (Pat, Ju, Mick, Woody, Bell, Bail), Nigel Percy, David Wilkin, Carol Dweck, Richard Wilkins, Kim Cameron, Robin Sharma, Barbara Fredrickson, ...

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