Basic Perspective Drawing originally grew out of long experience teaching college courses in perspective drawing to art, design, and architecture students. While the book has been used as a text for both beginning and advanced courses, most of the material can reasonably be covered in one semester–that is, a three-credit, 15-week studio course meeting 6 hours per week. The following course, like the text, is designed to move from the general to the specific and from the simple to the complex. It relies on rapid visualization exercises, a sketchbook project, and class work, which culminates in a series of final drawing projects due about every two weeks.

Suggested Course Outline

Week 1 Introduction and Overview. Class work: optics/observation (see Tools, Materials, and Aids on page 298). Chapter 1
Week 2 Drawing from Observed Reality. Class work: interior and exterior views. Chapter 2Project I due: Outside view from life
Week 3 Plans, Elevations, and Paraline Projections. Class work: measure real objects for plans and elevations. Chapter 3
Week 4 Construction of Perspective Views. Class work: one-point perspectives from plans. Chapter 4Project II due: Measured plans and obliques
Week 5 Construction of Perspective Views. Class work: two-point perspectives from plans. Chapter 4
Week 6 Construction of Perspective Space. Class work: building grids/using measuring points. Chapter 4Project III due: Perspective ...

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