Chapter 6

Say What? Turning Words into Numbers

In This Chapter

arrow Dispelling myths about word problems

arrow Knowing the four steps to solving a word problem

arrow Jotting down simple word equations that condense the important information

arrow Writing more-complex word equations

arrow Plugging numbers into the word equations to solve the problem

arrow Attacking more-complex word problems with confidence

The very mention of word problems — or story problems, as they're sometimes called — is enough to send a cold shiver of terror into the bones of the average math student. Many would rather swim across a moat full of hungry crocodiles than “figure out how many bushels of corn Farmer Brown picked” or “help Aunt Sylvia decide how many cookies to bake.” But word problems help you understand the logic behind setting up equations in real-life situations, making math actually useful — even if the scenarios in the word problems ...

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