Getting file sizes with wc or du

wc with the -c option is a useful and portable way to get the size of a file (but not a directory) in bytes. The file does not have to be text for this to work:

$ wc -c /bin/bash

The output for the preceding command shows us that the /bin/bash binary is just over 1 MB in size.

The du program can show this information for a file or a directory, but its only portable unit size as specified in POSIX is 1 kibibyte (1024 bytes), with the -k option:

$ du -k /bin/bash
1076    /bin/bash
$ du -k /bin
13796   /bin

GNU du has a -b option, which does allow byte counts, but this is not portable, meaning you cannot rely on it working on all Unix-like systems.

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