Arithmetic Expressions

The let command performs arithmetic. Bash is restricted to integer arithmetic. The shell provides a way to substitute arithmetic values (for use as command arguments or in variables); base conversion is also possible:

$(( expr ))

Use the value of the enclosed arithmetic expression.


Interpret integer n in numeric base B. For example, 8#100 specifies the octal equivalent of decimal 64.


The shell uses arithmetic operators from the C programming language, in decreasing order of precedence.



++ --

Auto-increment and auto-decrement, both prefix and postfix

+ -

Unary plus and minus

! ~

Logical negation and binary inversion (one’s complement)



* / %

Multiplication, division, modulus (remainder)

+ -

Addition, subtraction

<< >>

Bitwise left shift, bitwise right shift

< <= > >=

Less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to

== !=

Equality, inequality (both evaluated left to right)


Bitwise AND


Bitwise exclusive OR


Bitwise OR


Logical AND (short circuit)


Logical OR (short circuit)


Inline conditional evaluation

= += -=


*= /= %=


<<= >>=


&= ^= |=



Sequential expression evaluation

[a] The ** operator is right-associative. Prior to version 3.1, it was left-associative.


let "count=0" "i = i + 1"       Assign values to i and count
let "num % 2"                   Exit successfully if num is even
(( percent >= 0 && \
   percent <= 100 ))            Test the range of a value ...

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