Return code 101

Dig into your terminal and create the following Bash script:

#!/bin/bashGLOBAL_RET=255function my_function_global() {    ls /home/${USER}/.bashrc    GLOBAL_RET=$?}function my_function_return() {    ls /home/${USER}/.bashrc    return $?}function my_function_str() {    local UNAME=$1    local OUTPUT=""    if [ -e /home/${UNAME}/.bashrc ]; then        OUTPUT='FOUND IT'    else        OUTPUT='NOT FOUND'    fi    echo ${OUTPUT}}echo "Current ret: ${GLOBAL_RET}"my_function_global "${USER}"echo "Current ret after: ${GLOBAL_RET}"GLOBAL_RET=255echo "Current ret: ${GLOBAL_RET}"my_function_return "${USER}"GLOBAL_RET=$?echo "Current ret after: ${GLOBAL_RET}"# And for giggles, we can pass back output too!GLOBAL_RET=""echo "Current ret: ${GLOBAL_RET}"GLOBAL_RET=$(my_function_str ...

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