How to do it...

Let's start our activity as follows:

  1. Open a terminal and create a script called with the following contents:
#!/bin/bashTITLE="Select file menu"PROMPT="Pick a task:"OPTIONS=("list" "delete" "modify" "create")function list_files() {  PS3="Choose a file from the list or type \"back\" to go back to the main: "  select OPT in *; do     if [[ $REPLY -le ${#OPT[@]} ]]; then      if [[ "$REPLY" == "back" ]]; then         return      fi      echo "$OPT was selected"    else      list_files    fi  done}function main_menu() {  echo "${TITLE}"  PS3="${PROMPT} "  select OPT in "${OPTIONS[@]}" "quit"; do     case "$REPLY" in      1 )         # List        list_files        main_menu # Recursive call to regenerate the menu      ;;      2 )         echo "not used"      ;;      3 )         echo "not used"      ;;      4 ) echo "not used" ...

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