Commifying Numbers


You’d like to add a thousands-place separator to long numbers.


Depending on your system and configuration, you may be able to use printf’s ' format flag with a suitable local. Thanks to Chet Ramey for this solution, which is by far the easiest if it works:

$ LC_NUMERIC=en_US.UTF-8 printf "%'d\n" 123456789

$ LC_NUMERIC=en_US.UTF-8 printf "%'f\n" 123456789.987

Thanks to Michael Wang for contributing the following shell-only implementation and relevant discussion:

# cookbook filename: func_commify

function commify {
    typeset text=${1}

    typeset bdot=${text%%.*}
    typeset adot=${text#${bdot}}

    typeset i commified
    (( i = ${#bdot} - 1 ))

    while (( i>=3 )) && [[ ${bdot:i-3:1} == [0-9] ]]; do
        (( i -= 3 ))
    echo "${bdot:0:i+1}${commified}${adot}"

Or you can try one of the sed solutions from the sed FAQ, for example:

sed ':a;s/\B[0-9]\{3\}\>/,&/;ta'  /path/to/file                     # GNU sed
sed -e :a -e 's/\(.*[0-9]\)\([0-9]\{3\}\)/\1,\2/;ta' /path/to/file  # other seds


The shell function is written to follow the same logical process as a person using a pencil and paper. First you examine the string and find the decimal point, if any. You ignore everything after the dot, and work on the string before the dot.

The shell function saves the string before the dot in $bdot, and after the dot (including the dot) in $adot. If there is no dot, then everything is in $bdot, and $adot is empty. Next a person would ...

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