Finding Existing Files and Content Fast


You’d like to be able to find files without having to wait for a long find command to complete, or you need to find a file with some specific content.


If your system has locate, slocate, Beagle, Spotlight or some other indexer, you are already set. If not, look into them.

As we discussed in Finding and Running Commands, locate and slocate consult database files about the system (usually compiled and updated by a cron job) to find file or command names almost instantly. The location of the actual database files, what is indexed therein, and how often, may vary from system to system. Consult your system’s manpages for details.

$ locate apropos

locate and slocate don’t index content though, so see Finding Files by Content for that.

Beagle and Spotlight are examples of a fairly recent technology known as desktop search engines or indexers. Google Desktop Search and Copernic Desktop Search are two examples from the Microsoft Windows world. Desktop search tools use some kind of indexer to crawl, parse, and index the names and contents of all of the files (and usually email messages) in your personal file space; i.e., your home directory on a Unix or Linux system. This information is then almost instantly available to you when you look for it. These ...

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