
Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), 9

Amoroso's sinusoidal frequency-shift-keying (SFSK), 27, 201

Amplitude modulation-amplitude modulation (AM-AM) conversions, 3

Amplitude modulation-phase modulation (AM-PM) conversions, 3

Amplitude-modulation pulse (AMP) streams, 6869

Approximate AMP representation of GMSK based on single pulse stream, 81

Bandlimited modulations with large envelope fluctuation, 219223

Bandwidth efficiency, optimizing, 204212

memory one case, 204210

memory two case, 210212

Bandwidth-efficient modulations with more envelope fluctuation, 187218

Bandwidth-efficient TCM with prescribed decoding delay (equal sign energies), 190212

evaluation of the power spectral density, 195204

ISI-based transmitter implementation, 194

optimizing bandwidth efficiency, 204212

Bandwidth-efficient TCM with prescribed decoding delay (unequal signal energies), 212218

Binary Nyquist signaling, 219223

Binary phase-shift-keying (BPSK), 4

Butterworth-filtered FQPSK, 126

Carrier tracking loop, 20

Coherent GMSK receivers and their performance, 8191

optimum receiver, 8284

simplified (suboptimum) GMSK receivers, 8491

Constant envelope, need for, 34

Constant envelope modulations, 3116

continuous phase modulation, 26113

differentially encoded QPSK and offset (staggered) QPSK, 89

ideal receiver performance, 12

need for constant envelope, 34

performance in presence of nonideal transmitters, 1226

π/4-QPSK, 911

power spectral density considerations, 12

quadriphase-shift-keying ...

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