
The animal on the cover of Bandit Algorithms for Website Optimization is the eastern barred bandicoot (Perameles gunnii). There are two subspecies, both of which inhabit southeastern Australia. The subspecies that lives in Victoria is considered critically endangered despite restoration efforts by conservationists. The other subspecies lives in Tasmania. Barred banidcoots will typically make and live in ground nests made up of grass, leaves, and twigs.

The eastern barred bandicoot is a small marsupial that weighs around 2 pounds. This species of bandicoot is distinctive for its three to four bars on its hindquarters. It is nocturnal, feeding at night on insects and plants. With its claws and long snout, it will dig holes in the ground to find its food. The typical life span of the eastern barred bandicoot is two to three years.

The cover image is from Wood’s Animate Creations. The cover font is Adobe ITC Garamond. The text font is Adobe Minion Pro; the heading font is Adobe Myriad Condensed; and the code font is Dalton Maag’s Ubuntu Mono.

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