The Challenge
What happens if we don’t make snowboards, video editing
software, or anything else that someone can become badass at?
Imagine a tiny little utility tool “X.
What does having X enable?
What can people now do because of X that they couldn’t do
without it?
What can people now do better because of X?
What are people not doing now but could if they took advantage
of all that X supports?
That’s just a warm-up. The exercise on the next set of pages
will ask you to dene something linked to your product, service,
or cause that users can become badass at. Regardless of how
unlikely it may seem, anything can be linked to the potential for
badass results. The key lies in answering this:
“What are you a subset of?”
Even if you already know what badass means for your product
or service, don’t skip this quick exercise. We’ll refer to pieces of
it throughout the rest of the book, and it might give you more
ideas for new things your users can become badass at.
Badass at… what?
The Challenge
(Answering “Badass at what?”)
The Superset Exercise
Imagine this is you...
...and this is your competitor
Or maybe your relative sizes are reversed:
But how big you are relative to your competition is
not what matters here.
your competitor
What matters most is asking
one crucial question…
The Challenge
Your thing is a subset of some bigger, more compelling thing.
What’s the context in which your product or service is used?
What are you both a subset of?
bigger, better, context
THIS is the motivation…
...for THESE
The Challenge
Adobe Premiere
Final Cut Pro X
What are you a subset of?
(You could have many different answers,
depending on how far you expand the context.)
What’s your bigger compelling context?
Making fabulous
Canon Cinema camera
Manfrotto tripod
Video editing software, cameras, lighting, and microphones
are all subsets of video creation.
bigger, compelling context
The Challenge
What I really want to do is be
THE best tripod expert.
Nobody says this.

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