
This bibliography consists of every source I consulted in my research. Although every single source did not contribute directly to the book, taken as a whole, they were each and every one necessary for its completion. Of particular importance to anyone looking to dive deep into Arthurdale or the New Deal program that created it, Paul Conkin’s Tomorrow a New World is like the Beatles catalog to music—utterly indispensable and the best starting point for both the lay reader and the professional.

For the historian, the National Archives at College Park, Maryland, yield much information regarding the subsistence homesteads project in all its various organizational states. For a treasure chest’s worth of Arthurdale specific primary sources, FDR’s Library in Hyde Park, New York, and West Virginia University’s West Virginia and Regional History Collection are incomparable.

If any researcher/reader has any questions regarding sources, please feel free to contact me at


Arthurdale Heritage Newsletter

Chicago Daily Tribune

Chicago Tribune

New York Times

Pittsburgh Press

Roanoke Times

Washington Post


Agricultural Engineering

Agricultural History

Agricultural Review

American City

American Economic Review

American Historical Review

American Mercury

Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science

Atlantic Monthly

Black Diamond

Bulletin Index



Christian Century

Country Gentleman


Current ...

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