Chapter 4

Creating a Virtual Server Using EC2


check Defining the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) feature set

check Working with Identity and Access Management (IAM) security

check Interacting with the Elastic Block Store (EBS)

check Working with EC2 images and instances

After looking through the various services that Amazon Web Services (AWS) has to offer, you might scratch your head in trying to figure out where to go first. Even though Chapter 2 starts with a Sample Storage Service (S3) example, the most commonly used service is actually Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). That’s because so many other AWS services use EC2 in so many ways. Yes, you also need storage, but the next step is EC2. Of course, before you can do anything, you need to know what EC2 will do for you, which is the purpose of the first section of this chapter.

Chapter 3 provides an overview of AWS security needs — the sort of general information that you need before you can do anything important with AWS. This chapter offers some security specifics for EC2 in the form of the Identity and Access Management (IAM) console. To keep ...

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