
* (asterisk) wildcard, 45

[ ] (brackets) wildcard, 45

- (hyphen), in parameter syntax, 43

| (pipes operator). see pipes operator (|)

? (question mark) wildcard, 45


about_parameters, using with Get-Help command, 52, 52

account lockout policy, 212

AD (Active Directory)

cmdlets supporting, 8

creating managed service accounts, 186188, 187188

domains, domain controllers, and forests, 178180, 178180

enabling recycle bin, 191193, 192193

FSMO roles, 180182, 181182

Group Policy. see Group Policy

installing/using managed service accounts, 188189, 189

loading AD module, 174177, 176177

managed service accounts, 185186

module for, 56, 56

overview of, 174

populating AD test environment, 293295

recovering multiple users from recycle ...

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