Setting up the project

Let's jump right in:

  1. Create a new 3D project in Unity, named BusinessCard.
  2. Import the Vuforia asset package using Assets | Import Package | Custom Package....
  3. Import the VuforiaSamples asset package also using Assets | Import Package | Custom Package....
  4. Set the app license key in Vuforia | Configuration obtained from the Vuforia Dev Portal.
  5. Delete the Main Camera from the Hierarchy.
  6. Drag the ARCamera prefab from Project Assets into the Hierarchy.
  7. Add the Camera Settings component to the camera to enable auto-focus.
  8. Save your work: File | Save Scene As and File | Save Project.
  9. Bind HoloLens camera to Vuforia.
  10. Select GameObject | Camera, rename it HoloLensCamera.
  11. Set Clear Flags to Solid Color.
  12. Set Background to black ...

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