Adding sunlight

Unity provides a variety of different types of light sources for your scenes. For the sunlight, we are going to use point light since it radiates in all directions:

  1. In Hierarchy, go to Create | Light | Point Light and name it Sunlight (you may need to go and click on the Inspector tab to expose that panel now).
  2. Move it as a child of SolarSystem, reset its Transform, and move it away from the center, say, (-5, 0, 0).
  3. Set its range to 10,000 (something really big).
  4. Set Mode to Realtime.
  5. Set its Intensity to 1.3 (adjust so it looks good).
  6. Set Shadow Type to Soft Shadows.
Remember, you can rotate your view in the Scene panel using the right-mouse button and move the view using the middle-mouse button.

Now play the scene and ...

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