Add the Move button and script

First, let's add the MoveButton prefab to the toolbar.

  1. From Assets/SimpleIcons/Prefabs/, drag the MoveButton prefab into Hierarchy as a child of Toolbar.

If you are not using the SimpleIcons package we provided, you can just add a cube with the scale (0.1, 0.1, 0.04) and name it MoveButton.

  1. Now let's write the MoveTool.cs script for the button.
  2. In your Scripts folder, create a new C# script, name it MoveTool, and open it for editing.
  3. Start to write the script as follows:
File: MoveTool.csusing UnityEngine; using HoloToolkit.Unity.InputModule; public class MoveTool : MonoBehaviour, IInputClickHandler { private bool isEditing; private Vector3 originaButtonScale; private BoxCollider collider; private Vector3 ...

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