Adding a cube

Now we'll add an object to the Scene, just a simple cube:

  1. In the Hierarchy, select the GibraltarTarget, right-click 3D Object | Cube (or, from the Main Menu, choose GameObject | 3D Object | Cube and make it the child of the target object).

This will create a unit-sized cube, one meter on all sides. Obviously, that's much too big for our target, which is closer to 0.2 units sized. So, over in the Inspector, in the Transform component, modify the Scale to something more manageable right now, such as (0.05, 0.05, 0.05).

You may need to adjust your view in the Scene view panel, but when you do, you can see that our target object appears along with the cube, as shown here:

As described earlier in this chapter, in the topic, Changing ...

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