Adding the AR prompt

We can add the AR prompt as follows:

  1. With Main Canvas selected in Hierarchy, create UI | Panel and name it AR Prompt.
  2. In the gear icon for the image component, select Remove Component.
  3. On AR Prompt, create UI | Image and name it AR Prompt Idle.
  4. Set its Source Image to Circle.
  5. Set its Width and Height to 400, 400.
  6. On AR Prompt, create UI | Text and name it AR Prompt Text.
  7. Set its Text string to Align outline to tire, then press screen.
  8. Set its Anchor Presets to Middle/Stretch, Font Style: Bold, Align: Center, Middle, and Horizontal Overflow: Overflow.

We're prompting the user to touch the screen. We need a script to handle that.

  1. Create a new C# script named ARHitHandler.
  2. Add it as a component to AR Prompt.

Then open ...

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