Using 2D bar code targets (AR Toolkit)

Now let's enable the local planet views for each of our barcode markers. In the Vuforia version of the project, we did this with a script. With ARToolkit, we will use a more brute-force method.

Perform the following steps for each of the planets. We'll start with Earth-Moon:

  1. On ARController, add a new ARMarker component (or copy/paste the existing one as new).
  2. Change Marker Tag to the planet + ID, such as earth3.
  3. Change Barcode Id to the same number: 3.


  1. Under Root, duplicate the SolarSystem0 object (Ctrl+D) and rename it like the tag: Earth3.
  2. On AR Tracked Object, set Marker tag as previously: earth3.
  3. Unfold Earth3 to see its copy of SolarSystem; unfold that too, then drag the Earth-Moon object ...

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