9.8. Write a MATLAB program to implement the sinusoidal analysis-by-synthesis algorithm that you derived in Problem 9.6. Use the audio file ch9aud1.wav. Consider a frame size of N = 512 samples, no overlap between frames, and K = 20 sinusoids. In your deliverables, provide the MATLAB program; give the plots of the input audio, s(n), the synthesized signal, image, and the error, image for the entire audio record.

9.9. Use the MATLAB program from the previous problem and estimate the sample mean square error, image for each frame, i, where E[.] is the expectation operator.

  1. Calculate the average MSE, image, where Nf is the number of frames.
  2. Repeat step (a) for a different number of sinusoids, e.g., K = 5, 15, 30, 50, and 60. Plot EAvg in dB across the number of sinusoids, K.
  3. How does the MSE behave with respect to the number of sinusoids selected?

9.10. In this problem, we will study the significance of phase information in the sinusoidal coding of audio. Use the audio file ch9aud1.wav. Consider a frame size of N = 512 samples. Let Si(k) be the 512-point FFT of the i-th audio frame, and ...

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