Chapter 63. Astonish Me!

Since 1997, Leo J Quinn, Jr., has been teaching thousands of people in bad financial trouble how to improve their financial situation. No stranger to getting attention, Leo has used things like baby bottles, bank bags, frisbees, and even rubber balls to get in front of new customers. At conferences, you will likely see him walking around with a scrolling digital name tag.

As most great marketers like Leo know, if you can get a potential customer on the phone you have a much better chance of closing them. So how do you get a potential client to pay attention to you and actually pick up the phone and call you? E-mails work, sure, but anyone who has ever done e-mail marketing knows that only a small percentage of recipients respond to e-mail solicitations, especially if you are selling to them over and over again. That's why Leo decided to get creative and try something different. Here's his story:

I had just finished reading a book that gave me some advice that hit me right between the eyes. Just two words: ASTONISH ME! Those two simple words really got my brain churning on how I could astonish my potential customers. I thought to myself, "What would astonish me?" Then one day as I walking through Wal-Mart it hit me.

What would you think if someone sent you a cell phone in the mail? It would astonish me. At the very least, I'd be super-curious and want to investigate it further. So I did some research and found out I could get pre-paid cell phones for about $20 ...

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