Chapter 61. Power to the People

Shel Horowitz has been helping businesses, services, authors, publishers, and nonprofits with marketing for more than 30 years. The author of seven books (three of which won awards), he's an expert in frugal, ethical, and effective marketing, including major media publicity, social networking, powerful joint ventures, and much more. However, perhaps what Shel is the most proud of is his ability to help make meaningful change in the world through the development of grass-roots campaigns and organizations. Yes, with enough of the right kind of attention, you can be noticed, and change the world. It's not always about making money, thankfully.

You see, there was a beautiful mountaintop where Shel lived that was about to be developed into a residential zone. I guess so gazillionaires could build their gigantic mansions up there and look out over all the regular folk. Who knows the reason. The point is that nobody wanted it to happen except the gazillionaires and the developer standing to make their own pile of money. This was pristine, untouched land that shouldn't be ruined by man. What Shel did to save it was create an environmental organization called Save the Mountain. He knew the only way to stop this travesty was to make a big enough stink about it, because when you make a big stink about something, you're more likely to get noticed.

"All the experts issued variations on 'this is terrible, but there's nothing we can do.' That's when I got mad enough ...

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