Chapter 44. Getting into the Online Video Game

Now that you've seen the attention and resulting benefits that Web video can bring to your bottom line, it's time to discuss how to get started making videos. Maybe you still have some issues holding you back. You should now understand how important it is for you to generate attention with Web videos, but you still have excuses . . . errr, I mean reservations about why you're not doing it.

The #1 reason most people don't want to start doing Web videos is fear. Fear of how they look on video. Fear of not knowing how to do it. Fear of the perceived costs involved. It's understandable; video is one of those things that only the experts or TV professionals do with big fancy equipment and professionally written scripts. Ah, but times have changed. It's certainly easy enough now to prove to you that video is something you should definitely not be afraid of trying out.

Fear of How You Look

It's time to get over yourself. You look how you look. Every single day people see you as you are; you! Your problem is, you don't see yourself every day except in the morning in the mirror, and watching yourself on video forces you to see yourself the way others do. Here's a tip, get yourself an inexpensive Flip camera (around $150, get one at my web site and point it at yourself and take some video of you talking. Then watch it and do that over and over again until you're used to seeing yourself. Eventually you may want to share that video ...

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