Chapter 29. CD or DVD Continuity Programs

cd or dvd continuity programs work because people like receiving something in the mail. Something they can hold in their hands, touch, feel, and use. Many businesses don't reach their maximum potential because they fail to realize this fact. People will often pay more, and more often, for tangible things. Information products are great, and require less overhead, but at the end of the day, the consumer usually goes for something they can touch and feel and receive in the mail. That's why CD or DVD programs work so well.

The DVD or CD doesn't have to be the main product you sell. It could be a bonus item included for the customer. For example, if you're offering customers monthly podcast interviews from famous people in your industry, you could offer those for viewing online, and then also, as a bonus, throw the audio file on a DVD and send it out to their physical location. Now you're saying to yourself, "How am I going to do that? Sounds pricey and hard to do?" It's neither of them. At first, you can do it yourself. Head on over to your local office store and grab some cheap CDs or DVDs and some cases. Manually copy the audio file, or whatever it is you're providing, onto the disc, drop it in a case, and throw it in the mail. Later on when you have so many to send that it's overwhelming, use a disc copy service to do it for you. These companies can operate as a complete fulfillment house as well, taking care of sending your discs out for ...

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