Chapter 24. Making Money on the Web

We all want to know how to make more money and work less (or not at all). We dream of the day when we can tell our boss to shove it and spend our time lounging by the pool or traveling the world first-class. We look around at the successful people driving their fancy cars and living in their big mansions and wonder to ourselves, "How can I be like them?" We equate financial freedom with happiness, so we spend our lives in pursuit of that dream.

If we only had more money, everything would just be easier and we'd be happier and stress free, right? If we owned the company instead of working at it, we'd work less and be richer, right? If we didn't have to worry about paying for health care for our family, we'd quit this job we hate, right?

It all sounds so familiar doesn't it? Sure it does, because you're not in the secret society of people who have learned how to create the life of their dreams by using the Internet . . . yet. That's right, yet.

Here's the good news:

  • There's never been a greater time in the history of the world to create a business and promote it for virtually nothing.

  • This section is going to outline everything you need to know about how this secret society makes money online.

Ok, now here's the bad news:

  • It's a lot of hard work.

  • You will fail, if you don't try.

However, you're not going to fail! How do I know? I know because you picked up this book. Additionally because you realize that if you're ever going to live the life of your dreams ...

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