Chapter 1. Attention Marketing

Anyone can get attention, but not everyone knows how to make a pile o' cash or a ton of publicity from it. Case in point, you could dress up like a circus clown and walk around your office Monday morning in an attempt to get your boss to notice you, finally, and sure, everyone would notice you. However, you'd probably just be fired, and that's not the promotion you were looking for.

You may also try standing up in an airplane and yelling BOMB! while clutching your laptop. Yep, that would get a lot of attention from the airline attendant who had been ignoring you, but again, that's probably a one-way trip to a back room in some dungeon filled with FBI agents, when all you really wanted was some pretzels. Not a good plan either.

You can strip naked live on the Internet and expose yourself to the globe in hopes of getting the word out about your new consulting services. Sure, you'd probably get a lot of views, and possibly some wedding proposals, but would you get any business out of it?

The point is ... it's easy to do something stupid to get attention. However, is that really the smartest way to go about being noticed? Absolutely not. You're not dumb, so trying to do something dumb to get what you want is, well, dumb!

The big questions that are going to be addressed in this book are: How do you get attention that helps you? And how do you use that attention to help you benefit in some way for your business or brand?

If you can master the art of successful ...

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