
I will always remember something Bill Kidder said to me 25 years ago, soon after I met him for the first time. He said, “Your dad was one of my first mentors. He gave me his time and taught me a lot about the markets. He is a good man.” These words are very powerful words and they stuck with me.

Bill was my first trading mentor, and the first thing he taught me, without saying, was to follow in my father’s mentoring footsteps. Over the last few years of my career I have been able to pay the favor forward—to be a mentor. Although it is less personal than the mentoring I received, I do hope it has provided a benefit to your trading. Remember, however, that ultimately you will need to “fish for yourself.”

Other life mentors I would like to acknowledge include my wife, Debbie; my mother and father; my sons, Matt, Brian, and Bobby; my six siblings; and all my extended family members (and it is a very large clan). I cannot thank you enough for all your support and unconditional love. Professionally I would like to acknowledge Tom Bonen, Guy Whittaker, Ted Muller, Kim Hamilton, Tom Bergen, Joe Botkier, Emil Assentato, Shawn Powell, my hardworking colleagues at FXDD. Each has helped form me over the years in some way or another and my appreciation is not forgotten. I would like to acknowledge my “trading apprentices” that ask for advice and support my efforts at FXDD. You provide joy to my life through your successes as traders. I would like to thank the respected traders ...

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