
Note: Page numbers followed by “b” “f” and “t” refer to boxes, figures and tables, respectively.


Aalborg charter, 531, 532f
Abiotic depletion potential, 142
Accelerated branch-and-bound (ABB), 432–433, 436
Acetic acid (HOAc), 15–16, 17–19
Acidification potential, 141
Agent-based modeling (ABM), 10, 14
Agent-based scenario analysis (ABSA), 14–15
Aggregate index, 87–88, 90
aggregate index PLS-VIP (AI-PLS-VIP) method, 100–102, 102–103
for sustainability footprint, 103–105
Agricultural water use, 231
Agriculture, 231–232, 232–234
Sustainable Process Index (SPI) in, 80
sustainable process index and, 80
AIChE Sustainability Index, 95–97
AIChE sustainability metrics suite/bridges to sustainability metrics, 91–92, 97f
American Institute of Chemical ...

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