

^= operator, 487

=> (goes to) operator, 655


About() method, 20-21

AcceptAjax attribute, 473-476

AcceptVerbs attribute (actions), 65-69

access, testing

with fake generic repository, 155-157

with mock repository, 150-155

overview, 149-150

Account controller, users and roles, 367-369

action filters

definition of, 207

FeaturedProductActionFilter, 316-318

log action filter, 237-240

overview, 236

Action() HTML helper, 161-162

ActionLink() HTML helper, 160-161

ActionMethodSelector attribute (actions), 72-75

ActionName attribute (actions), 70-71

ActionResults, returning

ContentResult, 57-59

FileResult, 63-65

JsonResult, 59-62

overview, 51-52

RedirectResult, 55-57

types of ActionResults, 51-52

ViewResult, 52-55


AcceptVerbs attribute, ...

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