


intvar = Request.ContentLength

Returns an integer containing the length, in bytes, of the request sent from the client. This property includes only the content sent in the body of the HTTP request and does not include the length of the HTTP headers or of any data sent as part of an HTTP GET request (which would appear in the headers). If the HTTP request contains no body, its value is 0.



An Integer variable to receive the length, in bytes, of the content.


This example demonstrates how to display the length of the current request in the browser:

Sub Page_Load(  )
   Dim length As Integer
   length = Request.ContentLength
   Message.Text = "Length of request was: " & length & " bytes."
End Sub

The following code can be used to post to the example page:

      <title>Submit a named parameter via POST</title>
   <form id="form1" action="ContentLength.aspx" method="POST">
      <input type="text" name="name">
      <input type="submit">


You can use this property to test the length of content posted via a POST request before acting on that content. For example, if your page receives files from a file input field, you could check the ContentLength property before saving or processing the uploaded file to prevent users from uploading files greater than a specific size. Note that in cases when you receive multiple form fields, you can get more specific data on the size of an uploaded file by referring ...

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