


integer = HttpException.ErrorCode

Returns an integer representing the Win32 error code or HRESULT of the exception. This property is especially useful in situations when you are working with COM objects through COM Interop and need to return or evaluate the HRESULT returned from a COM object failure. When creating HttpException instances in your own code, you can use one of two overloaded constructors (shown earlier in Section 15.1) to set this property for HttpExceptions that you throw.



An integer that will receive the HRESULT or Win32 error code from the property.


The code example uses the Page_Load event handler to throw an HttpException with a custom error message and error code, and then uses structured exception handling to catch the exception and display the error message and error code as the text of an ASP.NET Label control:

Sub Page_Load(  )
      Throw New HttpException("Threw an error from Page_Load", 100)
   Catch HttpEx As HttpException
      Message.Text = "ERROR:<br/>"
      Message.Text &= "Message: " & HttpEx.Message & "<br/>"
      Message.Text &= "Error Code: " & HttpEx.ErrorCode & "<br/>"
   End Try
End Sub


While the ErrorCode property is primarily useful when working with COM objects, this property is also set by the ASP.NET intrinsic objects when an exception is thrown.

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