


This class represents a Panel control, which acts as a simple container for other web controls. A panel is often used to group related controls, such as RadioButton controls that share the same RadioButton.GroupName. Panels are also used to disable or hide entire groups of controls at once, by setting the Visible or Enabled property of the containing panel. They are also useful for adding dynamically generated controls, as in Panel1.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<br>")).

You can set a background image for your panel by specifying a URL for the BackImageUrl property. You can also type text directly into a panel on the design-time surface in Visual Studio.NET. Use the Wrap property to set whether this content is wrapped. If it is not, the Panel is automatically extended to the required width.

Public Class Panel : Inherits WebControl
' Public Constructors
   Public Sub New() 
' Public Instance Properties
   Overridable Public Property BackImageUrl As String  
   Overridable Public Property HorizontalAlign As HorizontalAlign  
   Overridable Public Property Wrap As Boolean  
' Protected Instance Methods
   Overrides Protected Sub AddAttributesToRender(
        ByVal writer As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter) 
End Class


System.Object System.Web.UI.Control(System.ComponentModel.IComponent, System.IDisposable, System.Web.UI.IParserAccessor, System.Web.UI.IDataBindingsAccessor)WebControl(System.Web.UI.IAttributeAccessor) Panel

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