


Object = HttpContext.GetAppConfig(ByVal name As String)

Returns the collection of key/value pairs that are contained in the configuration specified by the name argument.



An object containing the keys and values in the configuration sections specified by name. This object is often of a type derived from NameValueCollection.


The name of the section to retrieve.


The example shows how you can use the GetAppConfig method to retrieve all items in a configuration by setting from the web.config or machine.config XML configuration file. While GetAppConfig returns an Object, you must cast the returned object to the NameValueCollection-derived type defined in the configuration section to actually access the information. This method is static, so an instance of the HttpContext class is not required.

Sub Page_Load(  )
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim nv As NameValueCollection
   nv = CType(HttpContext.GetAppConfig("appSettings"), _
   For i = 0 To nv.Count - 1
       Response.Write(nv.GetKey(i) & " = " & nv(i) & "<br/>")
End Sub


Generally you will not use GetAppConfig to get the appSettings section from the configuration file. It is much easier and safer to use ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings to get at these values. This method, however, can be used to get information from custom configuration sections.

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