


The abstract base class is used for all types of columns that can be added to a DataGrid control, including BoundColumn, ButtonColumn, HyperLinkColumn, EditCommandColumn, and TemplateColumn. It includes basic formatting-related properties, including TableItemStyle objects for the header, footer, and items, and an image file to be displayed in the header (HeaderImageUrl). The SortExpression property specifies the field that will be used to order the DataGrid when sorting according to this column.

Public MustInherit Class DataGridColumn : Implements System.Web.UI.IStateManager
' Public Constructors
   Public Sub New() 
' Public Instance Properties
   Overridable Public ReadOnly Property FooterStyle As TableItemStyle  
   Overridable Public Property FooterText As String  
   Overridable Public Property HeaderImageUrl As String  
   Overridable Public ReadOnly Property HeaderStyle As TableItemStyle  
   Overridable Public Property HeaderText As String  
   Overridable Public ReadOnly Property ItemStyle As TableItemStyle  
   Overridable Public Property SortExpression As String  
   Public Property Visible As Boolean  
' Protected Instance Properties
   Protected Property DesignMode As Boolean  
   Protected Property IsTrackingViewState As Boolean Implements IStateManager.IsTrackingViewState 
   Protected Property Owner As DataGrid  
   Protected Property ViewState As StateBag  
' Public Instance Methods
   Overridable Public Sub Initialize() 
   Overridable Public Sub InitializeCell( ByVal cell As TableCell, ByVal columnIndex ...

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