


This abstract class provides basic functionality for the DataListComponentEditor and DataGridComponentEditor classes, which provide the Property Builder user interface for editing complex properties for these controls.

Public MustInherit Class BaseDataListComponentEditor : Inherits_
' Public Constructors
   Public Sub New(ByVal initialPage As Integer) 
' Public Instance Methods
   Overrides Public Function EditComponent(
        ByVal context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, 
        ByVal obj As Object, 
        ByVal parent As System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window) As Boolean  
' Protected Instance Methods
   Overrides Protected Function GetInitialComponentEditorPageIndex(
        ) As Integer  
End Class


System.ObjectSystem.ComponentModel.ComponentEditorSystem.Windows.Forms.Design.WindowsFormsComponentEditor BaseDataListComponentEditor

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