


This is the base class for all web server proxy classes. It includes basic properties like Url, which is usually set to the appropriate web service address in the proxy class’s constructor, and Timeout, which specifies a value in milliseconds. By default, the proxy class uses a Timeout of -1, which represents infinity, although the web server can still time out the request on the server side. The RequestEncoding property is overridden by derived classes to provide the appropriate character encoding.

To set Credentials, you must use an System.Net.ICredentials object like System.Net.NetworkCredential and set the credentials that are specific to the type of authentication you are using. You can also set the PreAuthenticate property to True, which will cause the proxy class to automatically send authentication information with every request.

Public MustInherit Class WebClientProtocol : Inherits System.ComponentModel.Component
' Protected Constructors
   Protected Sub New() 
' Public Instance Properties
   Public Property ConnectionGroupName As String  
   Public Property Credentials As ICredentials  
   Public Property PreAuthenticate As Boolean  
   Public Property RequestEncoding As Encoding  
   Public Property Timeout As Integer  
   Public Property Url As String  
' Protected Shared Methods
   Shared Protected Sub AddToCache(ByVal type As Type, 
        ByVal value As Object) 
   Shared Protected Function GetFromCache(
        ByVal type As Type) As Object  
' Public Instance Methods Overridable Public Sub ...

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