


Provides two child elements, <allow> and <deny>, that allow you to configure the users, roles, or HTTP verbs that can be used to access application resources.





Child Elements

<allow>, <deny>


The example allows users Mary and John to access application resources using any HTTP verb, while denying POST access to nonauthenticated users:

         <allow users="Mary, John" />
         <deny users="?" verbs="POST" />


The type of authorization implemented by the <authorization> element is referred to as URL authorization. You can read more about URL authorization in Chapter 9.

You can specify authorization settings for a specific file or directory in your application that differs from the defaults configured in the root web.config file for the application in either of two ways:

  • By adding an <authorization> element to the web.config file of the desired child directory, as shown in the example.

  • By using a <location> tag in the root web.config file and setting its path attribute to the desired path, as follows:

       <location path="files">
                <deny users="?" />
          <!--other configuration settings -->

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