



Allows you to store one or more sets of credentials in the application (or machine) configuration file for later use in authenticating requests. The child <user> element is used to store the actual credentials.


Machine, Application



Specifies the format in which passwords will be stored (and compared). Valid options are Clear, SHA1, and MD5.

Child Elements



The example shows the <credentials> element, which is used to store two user accounts to authenticate against:

<credentials passwordFormat = "SHA1">
   <user name="foo" password="794ED3D18464BAFF93F8DED1CFD00D9A2D9FE316"/>
   <user name="bar" password="B7CDD2A2B0F05E6948E5CEED22FA9A38EB28DEC8"/>


Once you’ve stored the credentials, you can authenticate against them by calling the static (shared) Authenticate method of the FormsAuthentication helper class. You can use the static (shared) HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile method of FormsAuthentication to create an MD5 or SHA1 hash of the password for storing in the <user> element. When using the <credentials> element to store credentials, you should always hash passwords, since storing them in readable text presents a potential security risk. Although theoretically, no one should be able to read the configuration file, a server misconfiguration or security vulnerability could conceivably expose this file.

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