


                     Abandon( )

Immediately terminates the current user’s session and causes the Session.End event to be fired.




The example examines the IsNewSession property to determine if the current request has resulted in a new session. If so, it adds a value to the Session collection and then displays a message indicating that a new session was created. If a session already exists, the example displays a button that, when clicked, causes a postback. This postback results in the Session.Abandon method being called and the session terminated:

If Not IsPostBack
   If Session.IsNewSession Then
      Session("foo") = "foo"
      Message.Text = "The current Session (SessionID: " & _
      Session.SessionID & ") was created with this request."
      Message.Text = "Click the button to abandon the current session."
      Dim AbandonButton As New Button
      AbandonButton.Text = "Abandon Session"
   End If
   Session.Abandon(  )
   Message.Text = "Session abandoned."
End If

In order for the postback to work correctly, a server-side form needs to be added within the <body> tags, as shown below:

<form id="myForm" runat="server">
   <asp:label id="Message" runat="server"/>


The Abandon method is very important for controlling resource usage in ASP.NET applications that use session state. If you use session state for storing application data, you should implement a logout method that calls Session.Abandon and make it as easy as possible for your users ...

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