


Integer = Session.CodePage
Session.CodePage = Integer

Returns or sets an Integer indicating the code page to be used in generating the page output. The code page is the character set that contains all characters and punctuation for a given locale setting.



An Integer variable that will receive or set the code page property value.


The example writes the current code page value to the Text property of the Message label control:

Sub Page_Load(  )
   Message.Text = "Current Code Page is: " & Session.CodePage
End Sub


The CodePage property is provided for compatibility with classic ASP. For new ASP.NET development, you should use the ContentEncoding property of the Response class for formatting output to a given code page, or configure globalization settings in web.config (see Chapter 8 and Chapter 20 for more information on globalization settings).

In the example above, although the property value is an Integer, ASP.NET automatically casts the Integer value to a String, which is then assigned to the Text property. This works because any .NET object or data type can be represented as a String.

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